If your teeth have been injured or you feel severe discomfort in the mouth, then you should definitely see your dentist right away. They’ll be able to perform emergency dental treatment to get your smile back on track to good health. But what exactly happens after you step into the dental office? Keep reading to learn four things you can expect during an emergency dental visit.
(more…)4 Things You Can Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit
April 6, 2022
Does Tooth Sensitivity Require Emergency Care? – When You Should Call
March 11, 2022
Many people experience tooth sensitivity. Whether it just started for you, or you’ve been experiencing it for years, when should it call for an emergency trip to the dentist? The thing about tooth (or dental) sensitivity is that it can appear for a variety of reasons, some of which are signs of a larger underlying problem. Learn about the potential causes from a professional and how they can help you get relief.
(more…)3 Benefits to Reap from Porcelain Veneer Treatment
February 11, 2022
Within cosmetic dentistry, veneers are one of the best dental services possible. They improve smiles efficiently and effectively for a wide range of patients. In fact, the benefits of porcelain veneers far outweigh their possible downsides. You’re almost certain to be better off post-procedure than you would be with damaged teeth. To prove it, here are three advantages to porcelain veneers that you should consider when deciding on treatment options.
(more…)5 Types of Tooth Pain an Emergency Dentist Should Monitor
February 3, 2022
Tooth pain is never fun to deal with. Whether it’s the result of an accident or an underlying oral health issue, a toothache is always a sign that something is wrong. Even so, not all forms of toothaches are urgent. So that you know when it’s time for you to visit your emergency dentist, here are five types of tooth pain that require urgent care.
(more…)What Are Types of Tooth Pain I Shouldn’t Ignore?
January 4, 2022
Tooth pain can be unbearable at times. If you’ve ever bitten down too hard, been hit in the mouth while playing sports, or woken up due to a toothache, it is a tough situation to endure. If you experience any of the toothache symptoms or other issues discussed below, you should act instead of ignoring them. Read on to learn what problems necessitate you should call your emergency dentist in St. Augustine.