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Salt Run Family Dentistry Blog

Check Your Brushing Habits for 2018

January 16, 2018

You care for your teeth in some way every day, or at least we hope you do. However, it is important to perform a self-check of your dental care habits on a periodic basis to make sure you are giving your smile all it needs for optimal health and beauty. You may be engaging in some harmful dental habits without even knowing it or mistakenly neglecting a certain area of your oral health. To start the new year off right, ask yourself the following questions about your oral hygiene habits:

Do you brush twice a day, for two minutes each session? While many of us are diligent about brushing upon waking and before going to bed, do you meet the two-minute recommendation in duration? If needed, set a timer on your smartphone and see where you measure up. (more…)

Answering Your Questions About Nitrous Oxide

December 15, 2017

Nitrous oxide, more commonly called “laughing gas”, is one of the most preferred forms of sedation dentistry available. Sedation dentistry helps countless patients receive dental care in a comfortable and painless way – despite the fears, anxieties and apprehensions they may have about the dentist. But what exactly is laughing gas? And what can you expect from your experience?


Healthy Teeth Tips for the Busy Professional

November 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 12:36 pm

It is not uncommon for patients to admit that their busy lifestyle is an obstacle to keeping their smile clean and healthy. However, just because your pursuit to climb the corporate ladder has left you tight on time, doesn’t mean your oral health has to suffer. In fact, if you ignore your smile needs, you may be faced with disruptive dental problems that cause you to miss work or deplete the earnings you’ve worked so hard to get.

At Salt Run Dentistry, we do our best to help busy professionals find time for their oral care. Try using the following tips for a healthier mouth, despite your busy work life: (more…)

Electric Toothbrush: Should You Make the Switch?

October 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 12:30 pm

There’s no hard and fast rule on what type of toothbrush is best. When it comes to an electric toothbrush versus a traditional or manual brush, it is largely a matter of preference. The most important thing to consider is whether or not you are following recommended brushing guidelines as far as time and frequency. Two minutes, twice a day with your toothbrush is what your teeth need to stay clean and healthy!

It is common for patients to want to know if they should consider tossing their manual toothbrush and switching to an electric model. There are some key benefits of using a power toothbrush. If you have the following, an electric toothbrush investment is probably worth it: (more…)

Caring For Your Veneers

September 26, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 12:30 pm

Porcelain veneers represent one of the most remarkable advancements in cosmetic dentistry. They provide an instant solution to a wide variety of aesthetic issues, including teeth that are gapped, crooked, missized, discolored or chipped. Veneers certainly produce glamorous results – so what’s the catch?

Many patients are surprised to learn that veneers are easy to care for too. In fact, they can be used and cleaned just like natural teeth. If you’ve been longing for a more attractive, dazzling smile, there’s really no big drawback to making the cosmetic dentistry investment and getting veneers for yourself.

Porcelain veneers are wafer thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They can alter the length, color, shape or size of a tooth. Veneers have the amazing ability to blend seamlessly with your smile, while dramatically improving its appearance and hiding your imperfections. (more…)

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