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Salt Run Family Dentistry Blog

5 Popular Holiday Drinks That Can Hurt Your Veneers

December 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 9:50 pm
person sipping holiday drink

As the festive season approaches, it’s crucial to navigate the joyous celebrations with a mindful eye on our oral health. In the spirit of merriment, we often indulge in various holiday drinks that bring warmth and cheer. However, particularly for those who have porcelain veneers, it’s essential to exercise caution and awareness. Read on as we shed light on five holiday drinks that, if not approached with caution, could pose risks to your veneers.


Dazzling Dentures: Tips for a Stain-Free Smile

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 9:37 pm
An older woman smiling with her stain-free dentures

Dentures provide a lifeline for patients with multiple missing teeth, but just like natural teeth, they can stain over time. Maintaining the brightness of your dentures requires some care and attention beyond simple tooth-brushing.

If you want to learn the easiest and most effective ways to prevent stains and keep your dentures looking bright, continue reading.


Be Thankful for Spit: Celebrating Saliva’s Contribution to Oral Health

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 8:16 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving while appreciating their saliva

As Thanksgiving approaches and your family reflects on what they’re grateful for, it’s unlikely that saliva is on that list. Yet, this often-overlooked fluid plays an important role in protecting your oral health. It’s time to take a moment and give this crafty concoction the recognition it deserves!

If you’re curious about why saliva is the real hero of the hour, continue reading. You’ll learn more than you ever thought there was to know about your spit.


I’d Like a Flashier Smile; Should I Get Teeth Whitening or Porcelain Veneers?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 10:43 pm
Flashy smile

Teeth see no small amount of use over the course of the years, and they can be exposed to many things that aren’t great for their appearance. Foods, drinks, medicines, smoking, and age can cause teeth to lose their pearliness, and the wear and tear can begin to show after a while. Fortunately, cosmetic dental procedures can allow many patients to achieve a whiter, more youthful smile. Here are some of the differences between teeth whitening treatments and porcelain veneers to help you get an idea if either of them might be right for you.


Spreading the Truth: The Reality of Gingivitis Contagion

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — saltrun @ 3:26 pm
A woman suffering from gingivitis

Gingivitis is the precursor to more serious gum disease. It is caused by the same bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities and is carried in plaque. Poor oral hygiene is the most direct cause, but could it actually be contagious? Well, there are two schools of thought on this.

Continue reading to learn more about gingivitis and see if you think it’s contagious or not. Here are the facts.

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