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Invisalign  – St. Augustine, FL

Clear Solutions Lead to Straighter Results

It’s hard enough living with crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps, or a serious overbite. Add on metal brackets and wires, and you’ll be looking for ways to work from home until you’ve completed treatment. Most adults who learn they need orthodontic treatment often prefer to avoid traditional metal braces. Not only are they bulky, but they shine a spotlight on a problem most individuals would rather keep hidden. Fortunately, at Salt Run Family Dentistry, our team of dental experts is here to provide an alternative solution that offers a more discreet method of treatment and faster results. With Invisalign, you can continue to go about your daily routine without having your braces compromise your appearance! If you’re ready to take the next step toward a healthier, more beautiful smile, contact our office to schedule an appointment today!


Why Choose Salt Run Family Dentistry for Invisalign?

  • Available treatment for teens and adults
  • Qualified dental professionals with years of experience and training
  • Faster results with clear aligners

How Does Invisalign Work?

A dentist inserting an Invisalign aligner into a female patient’s mouth for the first time

Invisalign are considered clear braces that are made from a plastic, SmartTrack material. What this means is that you can expect a more comfortable fit and predictable results when undergoing treatment with Invisalign. When fitted with your initial set, you will notice your teeth begin to shift in the right direction. The aligners will apply continuous yet, gentle pressure to your teeth, ensuring they move as they should as long as you wear them 20-22 hours each day. After 1-2 weeks or so of wear, you will swap out your current set for the next one in the series. With each new set, you’ll watch your teeth move closer to the final location.

After 12-18 months of treatment (on average), you can expect to be done with treatment and enjoy a healthier, happier, more vibrant smile.

Indications for Invisalign

A digital image of an Invisalign clear aligner going on over the top row of teeth to address a bite alignment issue

Invisalign is known for its versatility. With more and more patients (adults and teens) feeling more self-conscious about their appearance, Invisalign clear aligners offer a trusted alternative that can fix most orthodontic problems, including:

Crowded Teeth

When teeth sit too close to one another, you will notice extreme difficulty in maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. Bacteria and food particles can easily become trapped in these tight crevices, raising your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. With Invisalign, though, you can watch your teeth move and create necessary space, giving you the chance for a life with better oral health.

Gaps Between Teeth

When it’s too much space existing between teeth, it, too, can cause problems with trapped food and bacteria. Keeping these gaps clean can also prove quite difficult, which is why you may find it beneficial to inquire about Invisalign. These clear aligners can bring your teeth closer together to not only create a healthier smile but also improve your overall aesthetic.

Bite Alignment

Overbites, underbites, crossbites, and even open bites are no match for Invisalign. These clear braces can move, shift, and reposition your bite in a way that reduces the risk of chronic jaw pain and minimizes the potential for excessive wear and tear to your tooth enamel.

The Benefits of Invisalign

A young woman wearing a white sweater showing off her beautiful, healthy, perfectly aligned smile

When compared to traditional metal braces, the benefits of Invisalign cannot be overlooked. While it is true certain situations can only be treated with the help of metal brackets and wires, most individuals with common orthodontic problems can find hope in a more subtle method of treatment – Invisalign. From their discreet look to quicker results, the choice for this type of care is often an easy one to make.

Some additional benefits you can expect to receive include:

  • Minimal irritation because of the smooth, plastic material used to create the aligners. Unlike brackets that can rub your soft oral tissues and create sores, Invisalign fits snugly against your teeth, resulting in little-to-no irritation at all.
  • Greater flexibility in eating the foods you love because you are expected to remove your trays before you begin to eat or drink anything (except water).
  • An easy-to-clean orthodontic solution that doesn’t require special instruments, cleaning products, or tools. You have the option to purchase Invisalign Cleaning Crystals but all you need is a soft-bristled toothbrush, clear soap, and lukewarm water.
  • Faster results in 12-18 months as opposed to 2-3 years with metal braces.
  • Improved aesthetics create a straighter smile that allows you to also maintain greater oral health.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while shaking someone's hand at work

You know that the aligners are clear, that the average treatment timeline is shorter, and that there aren’t any dietary restrictions, but what is life with clear aligners actually like? What do you need to know about navigating mealtimes, cleaning your trays, and scheduling your routine check-in visits in advance? This next section is dedicated to answering both of these questions!

Wearing Your Trays

Woman smiling while working on tablet in office

When it comes to wearing your trays, there’s really only one thing you need to keep in mind: you need to wear them for a minimum of 20 hours a day. This is crucial because if you don’t wear your aligners enough, your teeth won’t move. If your teeth don’t move, then it’s likely that your treatment will be extended. Simply put, it’s very important that you follow this guideline, so only take your aligners out when absolutely necessary and put them back on as soon as you can.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient rinsing aligners with water in sink

Fortunately, cleaning your aligners will only require a few minutes of your time. Plus, you can keep them clean with just two things: clean, cool water and a soft-bristled toothbrush. In addition to rinsing them thoroughly with water when you take them out, you should give them a good (but gentle) scrub with your toothbrush before you put them back in. If needed, you can also use the cleaning crystals that came in your welcome kit and some lukewarm water, which usually only takes 15 minutes or so.

Navigating Meals and Snacks

Patient smiling while eating lunch with friends in kitchen

When you’re ready to eat – whether it’s your first meal of the day or an afternoon snack – you should carefully remove your aligners, rinse them off with clean, cool water, and place them in their designated storage case. Then, you can enjoy your food worry-free! After all, there aren’t any dietary guidelines with Invisalign. Just make sure not to go overboard on foods and drinks with added sugar to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Losing a Tray

Man searching for something under couch

If you look down and realize that your trays aren’t where you thought they were, don’t panic. Instead, try to think about the last time you took them out, and retrace your steps from there. It’s possible that they fell on the floor, between your bed and nightstand, or into the wastebasket in your bathroom, so make sure to look in all of those places. It’s also smart to look through the trash to see if they accidentally got thrown away with your last meal.

Routine Check-Ins

Dentist and patient talking in dental office

If you’re a busy student or professional, you’ll be happy to hear that your routine check-ins at our St. Augustine dental office are usually 6-8 weeks apart, which frees up your schedule considerably. Plus, if your teeth are moving as anticipated, the entire appointment will likely only take 15 minutes or so!

Am I A Candidate for Invisalign?

An up-close view of a girl inserting a clear aligner into her mouth

Until you schedule a consultation with a member of our dental team, we will not be able to determine if you are eligible to receive Invisalign. The most viable candidates have crooked, overcrowded, or gapped teeth, or a mild bite alignment issue and:

  • Are committed to the process and agree to wear their trays 20-22 hours each day to avoid a delay in treatment
  • Have good general oral health from the start (i.e., no signs of gum disease or tooth decay)
  • Prefer a discreet solution as opposed to wearing traditional braces
  • Are looking to achieve results much faster than with regular braces
  • Agree to maintain good oral hygiene throughout treatment and keep follow-up appointments with our team in St. Augustine

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

When visiting Salt Run Family Dentistry, we treat each patient according to their individual needs. This means no two patients are alike, so providing a cost estimate for treatment is simply not possible until you come in for a consultation. With that said, we’ve dedicated this next section to covering some important information on the topic, including some of the factors that impact the price.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

dentist placing clear aligner on model of teeth

At your initial consultation, we will evaluate your smile and determine the problem that needs to be addressed. In the process, we need to determine:

  • The number of aligners you will need
  • The severity of the problem
  • If single-arch treatment is possible
  • The type of retainer you need

Only then can we create a reliable estimate to help you better understand how much you can expect to pay for your new smile.

Invisalign vs. Mail-In Aligners: Which Costs More?

clear aligner lying on gray surface

Over the years, you may have seen ads for mail-in aligners on TV or social media. They almost always cost less than Invisalign. However, there’s a reason for that. These alternatives usually rely on DIY impressions, they aren’t supervised by a licensed dental professional, and they aren’t backed by professional dental organizations. Conversely, Invisalign has helped millions of patients safely straighten their teeth for over 20 years now, and it has an impressive 96% satisfaction rate.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

woman filling out dental insurance form in lobby

Good news: some dental insurance providers cover a portion of the cost of Invisalign! The best way to find out if orthodontic treatment is covered on your plan is by contacting a member of your dental insurance company. They’ll be able to explain your benefits and your out-of-pocket expenses. Of course, our team is always here to help since we are in-network with Humana PPO plans and file claims for most insurance providers.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

dental assistant reviewing cost with smiling patient

But what if you don’t have dental insurance? Does that mean you’re stuck paying for the entire cost of Invisalign at once? Fortunately, the answer is “no.” Our team at Salt Run Family Dentistry also welcomes payment plans with CareCredit, which is a trusted third-party financier. With them, you can space out your payments into smaller monthly chunks. Depending on the payment plan you choose, there may even be little-to-no interest attached! If you’d like to learn more about this financial solution (or anything else related to the cost of Invisalign), don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can help.

Invisalign FAQs

Questions about Invisalign in St. Augustine

Invisalign St. Augustine is the preferred orthodontic system for teens and adults. It is normal to have a few concerns because clear aligners are a big commitment, but we will explain everything at your Invisalign consultation . While you wait, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.


What does Invisalign look like?

You don't have to worry about the appearance of brackets or wires. Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that fit over your teeth. Although they are visible when holding them, the aligners are virtually undetectable when placed over your teeth. Removing your Invisalign when having anything except water will prevent discoloration. Caring for them correctly will also ensure they will remain transparent, like using a soft-bristled toothbrush.


How long does Invisalign take?

Every case is unique, but most patients will complete their treatment in 12 to 18 months. Various factors affect the duration, like the complexity of your case. Major tooth movements may require more aligners to correct. Your age can also play a small role because younger patients’ teeth aren’t as firmly set in the jaw as adults, making them easier to move. You can streamline your journey to a complete smile by wearing your aligners for 22 hours per day and switching to the next in the series on time. Changing to a new aligner sooner than instructed can lead to several delays down the road. After examining your mouth and creating a treatment strategy, your cosmetic dentist in St. Augustine will explain how long you’ll need to wear them.


Does Invisalign hurt?

Many patients report Invisalign to be more comfortable than metal braces. The aligners are smooth and will fit your teeth like a glove. There won’t be any irritation to the gums or insides of your lips and cheeks. You won’t have any discomfort from brackets or wires pulling on your teeth. Instead, the aligners apply gentle pressure. Your teeth may be a little sore initially or when switching to a new aligner, but you can manage it with an OTC pain reliever. Eating softer foods can also prevent discomfort until any tenderness subsides. After a brief adjustment period, you may even forget you are wearing your aligners.


Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?


Contrary to common belief, you don’t have to be rich or famous to benefit from Invisalign. There isn’t a flat fee for traditional braces or clear aligners because every mouth and situation differs. Often they are similar in price, and our office offers several solutions to keep a straight smile affordable. If your dental insurance includes orthodontics, your policy may cover a set amount, which typically ranges from $500 to $2,000, after meeting your deductible. Your dental insurance may also cover a portion of the cost of any prep work, like a cleaning and checkup. A member of our team will work on your behalf with your insurance to maximize any appropriate coverage. They’ll also review your payment options for any out-of-pocket balance, like third-party financing.